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perang williamite di irlandia bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "perang williamite di irlandia"
  • Only warfare such as the Williamite War in Ireland and subsequent occupation enabled the English crown from 1692, and successive British states from 1707, to retain the country.
    Satu-satunya perang seperti Perang Williamite di Irlandia dan kemudian pendudukan mahkota Inggrsi dari 1692, dan negara-negara Inggris suksesif dari 1707, sampai kembali menjadi negara.
  • During the Williamite War in Ireland in the 1690s, the then 4th Earl of Clancarty (also named Donough MacCarty) was captured and his lands (including Blarney Castle) were confiscated by the Williamites.
    Selama Perang Williamite di Irlandia pada tahun 1690-an, Earl of Clancarty ke-4 (yang juga bernama Donough MacCarty) ditangkap dan tanahnya (termasuk Puri Blarney) disita oleh orang-orang Williamite.